Meaningful Use Incentives using an iPad


The client is a well-established gastroenterology group based in Massachusetts associated with the regional hospital. Having experienced various EHR platforms, the client was keen on using advanced technology to save time and money. He became one of the few doctors in the US to attain Meaningful Use Stage 1 incentives by largely using enki EHR on the iPad.


The doctor and his clinical staff have been enjoying enki cloud/mobile EHR for over three years now.
1) enki EHR was implemented onsite in less than one week.
2) enki EHR’s flexible design allowed the practice to break the modules up based on different users. For example, nursing staff used different modules when compared to the doctor.
3) Meaningful Use and Clinical Quality Measures dashboards allow the practice to keep track of their compliance on a daily basis and pay attention to areas that require improvement.
4) Unlimited remote training coupled with an easy to use design allows staff to train new staff members with ease.
5) We established a uni-directional lab interface between enki EHR and the hospital’s lab system to receive lab results instantaneously and digitally.


1) The practice has successfully remained paperless for 3+ years using cloud based software via a Chrome browser and iPads.
2) The doctor received complete Meaningful Use Stage 1 incentives primarily using an iPad.
3) Patients love the interaction they get to have with the doctor because he’s looking at them instead of into a computer.
4) enki EHR has helped the practice countless times to improve patient safety by providing access to medical records in seconds from anywhere.

This is a staging enviroment